Comfort isn’t just about temperature. It’s also about humidity. A home that’s too dry can lead to many problems, ranging from physical discomfort to damage to your personal belongings. So, how can you tell if your home in Asheville, NC is too dry?

Physical Symptoms

If you or your family members are experiencing dry, itchy skin, irritated eyes, sore throats, or frequent static shocks, these could all be indications your home and air is way too dry. Also, if you’re noticing that your allergies or asthma symptoms are worse when you’re at home, the cause could also be low humidity.

Low humidity levels can exacerbate respiratory issues, especially in individuals with conditions like bronchitis or sinusitis. Another surprising sign is if you suddenly start getting frequent nosebleeds.

Damage to Your Home and Belongings

Low humidity can also affect your home and belongings. You might notice that wooden furniture, floors, or musical instruments are cracking or warping. Even your houseplants might start to look a little under the weather, with wilting leaves, browning, and slower growth.

Wood tends to shrink and potentially warp or crack in low humidity, which can cause irreversible damage. Wooden doors and windows might also become difficult to open or close properly due to shrinkage. These signs might be subtle, but they can provide essential clues about your home’s humidity levels.

Deterioration of Electronic Devices

Your electronics may also be at risk in an overly dry environment. Low humidity can cause a buildup of static electricity, which can lead to potential damage to sensitive electronic equipment. This includes computers, televisions, cell phones, and iPads. If you’re noticing an increase in static shocks or your electronic devices are malfunctioning, your home’s air may be excessively dry.

Solutions to Dry Air

One of the most effective solutions is to use a whole-house humidifier. This device works with your existing HVAC system to add moisture to the air as it’s heated and distributed throughout your home. It can also help maintain a consistent and comfortable humidity level in all areas of your household.

The most reliable way to determine if your home is too dry is to measure the humidity level using a hygrometer. This handy device can provide a quick and precise reading of the humidity level in your home. Ideal indoor humidity levels are generally between 30% and 50%. If your home’s humidity level is consistently below this range, it’s likely too dry.

Avoid using portable humidifiers as they’re not as powerful. Plus, you’d have to worry about cleaning them on a daily basis and the risk of potential biological growth. Again, look into investing in a whole-house humidifier instead.

Another solution is to add houseplants to your home. Plants naturally release moisture into the air through a process called transpiration, which can help increase humidity levels. Just be sure to choose plants that thrive in indoor conditions and are easy to maintain.

Maintain Your HVAC System

Your HVAC system plays a crucial role in maintaining the right balance of humidity in your home. Regular maintenance can ensure that it’s operating at peak efficiency and not contributing to dry air conditions. Your tech will also ensure that your HVAC air filter doesn’t need to be replaced.

If you’re still struggling with dry air even after trying these solutions, it might be worth consulting with our professionals. We can evaluate your home and HVAC system and recommend the best solutions for your specific situation.

Contact the team at Gentry Service Group today. We’re ready to help with all your cooling and heating needs. With expert knowledge and a commitment to customer satisfaction, we can help you maintain the ideal humidity level in your home for maximum comfort and well-being. We’ve been a proud member of the business community since 1963 and deliver 100% satisfaction from beginning to end.

Image provided by iStock

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